Hello readers and fellow writers!

Welcome to Sabbi Whims!

Before I jump right into those serious spiels concerning what this page is all about, I am so used to those icebreaker get-to-know-you questions that one encounters at work, or school, church groups, etc., that I  might as well go that route. It’s funny, because I think we all have those pocket answers to questions like, “What is one interesting/unique fact about you?” or “If you could have any super power what would it be?”  or my favorite, “If you could be an animal in another life, which would you choose?” So here are some of my past answers.

An interesting fact about myself is that I’m a mutt ethnically speaking, a latina redneck, if you will. My father is a full blood Venezuelan immigrant, and he comes with a loud, Spanish, latin-dancing family that I love who are currently spread throughout the globe; and my mom’s side of the family is full of your classic southern folk with cute Texan, Oklahoman, and Alabaman accents and they’re all spread throughout the U.S. as well. All in all, it’s quite a diverse family I’ve been given (and I love it), and I am intrigued to see the day when these two sides come together eventually at an event like my future wedding. It should be quite an interesting affair, to say the least, when that time comes.

If I could have a super power it would be teleportation. Hands down. Free and instantaneous travel to anywhere, and my hair still looks good when I arrive? Please and thank you.

If I could be an animal, I would have to say that I would want to be a river otter. I know it’s a peculiar choice, but they just always look like they’re having so much fun in and out of the water; and they always have a pal with them.

Alright, well to be a bit more serious about myself, I have had a deep affection for words and a closet interest in writing since my adolescence. I find starting this page somehow intimidates me, like the formality almost makes me ask myself, “Why would anyone care at all what you have to say?” However, my father has told me for as long as I can remember that I should be a writer, and I have for some time now taken ownership of the word. Actually, now that I think about it, the memory of this transition in my thinking stands out somewhat vividly in my mind.

My five classmates and I sat in a creative writing class  held in a tiny room with long skinny gray tables, light gray walls with no windows, a lone wooden podium, and a single dry/erase board behind where my professor sat, a man who was medium in stature, and extremely contemplative in his cheerful demeanor. He was also admittedly quirky, and I think embraced being so as many creative individuals do. Being the slight overachiever that I am (or perhaps just easily distracted otherwise), I sat at the front, not five feet in front him. He looked at me from behind his glasses with a knowing expression and said, “Say it.”

I replied with unusual timidity, “It feels weird to say it.”

“But you’ve got to own it, or it will never be true.”

He waited patiently with an unpretentious smile at my hesitance, just as he had waited with each of my classmates in turn, and finally, I met his gaze and said, “I am a writer.”

So that is what this page is all about, sharing with you all my journey as a writer. You will find on this blog in the weeks to come a mixed bag of the different forms in which I dabble: my passion is poetry (you might also see some song lyrics perhaps), also some short stories, devotional thoughts, satirical observations, and really anything that fits my current whim (hence my blog title). I don’t have a particular mood that I identify with writing, so depending on what strikes my fancy, you shall see both serious and more lighthearted pieces, some of which have already been published in small literary publications.

I don’t claim to be exceptionally original (while I most definitely try to be, like all who practice creative hobbies). I do however, claim that my writing comes from a place of sincere honesty. In a society where the idea of truth has lost most of its meaning, I have come to value honesty more deeply in my adulthood than ever before. (You will not find on this page any postmodern nonsense declaring a free-for-all on the notion of truth.) We are all taught not to lie as children. Don’t lie to your parents, your siblings, your teachers, especially your friends if you want to keep them; but in recent years, I’ve discovered firsthand that honesty with oneself and God is the root out of which every other expression grows. If I cannot be honest with myself, how can I claim any sort of truth in my writing read by you? Introspection can be a healthy habit, and the written word a powerful means of influence for good, the kind of illuminating goodness I hope my writing champions. Whether serious, lighthearted, deep, or plainly ridiculous (to forewarn you, I have written a poem in the past about squirrels), I pray that what you read here at least makes an impression, perhaps eliciting an amused smile, if not evoking a profound thought.

That being said, I am honored to have my writing shared with readers like yourself, and thank you for visiting my page! Have a look around, and I would love to hear from you in a comment or by email at sabbiwhims@gmail.com. Whether it’s a compliment, question, or snarky remark, I appreciate any reaction my work my bring forth!

As always, happy reading! 🙂
